Does a robotic mower make my lawn more beautiful?

The dream of a perfectly manicured and evenly trimmed lawn is usually associated with considerable effort. This does not have to be the case! A robotic lawnmower automates lawn care to a large extent. This way, the lawn looks healthier, more lush and thus simply more beautiful, all without time-consuming interaction.

Many lawns suffer from the high temperatures, especially in summer. Brown discoloration or even bare places often dominate areas that should normally be dense with lush green grass. Many garden owners accept this shortcoming with a shrug of the shoulders, since the path to the perfect lawn is supposedly associated with a ton of work. However, this does not have to be the case: a robotic lawnmower makes a valuable contribution to a rich and dense green lawn in your own garden.

The perfectly manicured lawn

A perfectly manicured lawn allows you to really show off your garden. To maintain this, it actually does not take much if you pay attention to a few things:

  • sufficient watering
  • regular mowing
  • thatching 1-2 times a year
  • aeration, liming or sanding if necessary
  • regular fertilizing during the lawn season

At first, this sounds like a lot of effort and work, but it can be reduced just by choosing the type of lawn. For example, there are robust and hard-wearing lawn mixtures that are suitable for gardens where children play, or ornamental lawns that grow particularly dense and can tolerate deep lawn divots. Be sure to look for a quality mix when purchasing your preferred lawn variety.

The contribution of the robotic lawnmower to a gorgeous lawn

A robotic lawnmower takes a lot of the lawn care off you hands by doing the regular mowing all by itself. Furthermore, fertilizing is also significantly reduced by using a robotic lawnmower. You will only take care of thatching and watering the lawn. 

Take area performance into account

Above all, it is important that the model fits your garden in terms of performance and cutting width. There are robots for lawns with less than 300 square meters up to 3,000 square meters and even more. The greater the specified area output, the faster the robot will work. On the other hand, not enough power can result in individual areas not being mowed frequently enough (about every 2 days). The result is different lengths of grass blades or an unclean cutting pattern. 

Even and regular lawn cutting

Once programed, the robot regularly makes its rounds and permanently ensures an even lawn cut. This alone allows the lawn to grow more evenly and densely, as numerous shoots are formed.
It is important here to choose a cutting length that also suits the lawn mixture. While some ornamental lawn seeds allow cutting depths of 2-3 centimeters, a commercial lawn prefers a length of approx. 4-6 centimeters. In the shade, the blades may be as long as 8 centimeters. The ideal length is important so that the lawn can breathe well - but at the same time does not encourage the growth of weeds.

Pendulum suspended mowing deck for uneven surfaces

Since not every lawn is absolutely level, it is recommended to buy a robotic lawnmower with an oscillating suspended mowing deck. This way, the cut is made with the same length everywhere. The robot automatically compensates for unevenness and the cut is therefore, accurate and absolutely even.

Clear edges thanks to edge trimming function

If you want to save the maximum amount of work and do not want to manually trim the edges anymore, a model with an edge function is the right choice for you. Here, the blades protrude beyond the wheelbase, so that the blades are cut to the edges. Working with the lawn trimmer or lawn edge trimmer is thus considerably reduced or completely eliminated.

Mulching replaces fertilizing - most of the time

Since the robotic lawnmower only cuts off a few millimeters of the stalk tips each time,  grass clippings can be left on the surface. These clippings decay within a short time and thus serve as a natural fertilizer. For you, this eliminates the need for regular fertilizing - which saves time and money.

An exception, however, is the first cut after winter. The blades have hardly grown over the winter, but the length is sufficient to avoid immediate decay. The layer of grass on the ground then prevents adequate ventilation, and the lawn underneath is put at risk. Therefore, it is advisable to remove the first cuttings manually - or alternatively to use another type of lawn mower with a collection bag.

Clean cut prevents brown stalk tips

If the stalk tips are cut off uncleanly during mowing, brown spots can form - the lawn will not be as lush overall as it would be with a clean cut. By regularly replacing the blades of a robotic lawnmower, you will be assured that the blades of grass are not simply torn off, but cleanly cut. 

Mowing robots drive away moles

A lawn littered with mole mounds is a major annoyance for many garden owners. Regular use of a robotic mower disturbs underground animals and in turn, they are very likely move to a new territory. Thus, the problem takes care of itself and without the use of chemical aids.

What you should pay attention to when using the robotic lawnmower

When using the robotic lawnmower correctly, lawn care almost takes care of itself. In order to avoid unpleasant surprises, it is nevertheless important to consider a few points when using the device:

  • In heavy rain, the robot should stay in its garage. Wet blades can cut less precisely. Furthermore, mulch could clump together and soil the robotic lawnmower's cutting deck. An integrated rain sensor detects wet weather and automatically postpones its exit.
  • The lawn should not be mowed in the blazing midday heat of midsummer. Even clean cut edges burn under strong sunlight and form brown spots. Late afternoon or early evening is recommended.
  • Make sure there are no objects lying on the lawn. Modern robotic mowers automatically avoid larger obstacles, but even harmless items such as pine cones or fallen fruit contribute to the blades dulling more quickly and the cutting pattern becoming unclean.
  • If there are inclines and slopes in the garden, choose a model that is designed for them to ensure a perfect cut pattern of the terrain.
  • After the first frost, you should not mow the lawn again. The robotic lawnmower should be stored in its winter quarters. This period of rest is also the ideal time to service the device so that it is ready for immediate use in the spring.

A robotic lawnmower not only makes lawn care easier, but also makes a significant contribution to a beautiful, even and lush green lawn when operated properly.